Enrichment resources

music therapy
Image via Wikipedia

Making music alone and with others is a major part of my personal & professional life.  In addition, I read a variety of books from fiction, to books related to by interests (e.g. – gardening and home decorating) to professional journals.  Attending music therapy conferences and CEUs are others ways I find professional enrichment.  Over the years I have used many resources to grow personally and professionally.  Until the last year, I had few resources specific to my chosen field of music therapy other than those previously stated.  I used many business sources with applicable overarching concepts but little directly applicable to my work.  In the last ten years, three sources have provided the most applicable use to my life.

The first is The Artist Way by Julia Cameron.  Her methods challenged me to grow my creativity while reassessing the effects of how I lived on my work.  Do check out the website as well as these wonderful books.  The process of daily pages and the weekly activities is worth a try at least in learning about oneself.

A couple years ago Stephanie McWilliams caught my attention while I was watching HGTV.  I was drawn to her website which has exposed me to people and to ideas far from my experiences and my work.  Yet, I have developed connections and found amazing ways to grow as a person and a professional.  Having a chance to speak on the phone with Stephanie was one of my 2010 highlights.

Last year I heard about  Lisa Sonora Beam.  Her book “The Creative Entrepreneur” and her blogs are influencing my use of the visual arts for myself and my clients.  Working outside music reminds me of emotions (especially doubts) my clients have when I asking them to join in a new task.  Yet, again I connect with lesser known creative parts of myself.

No matter your interest, I encourage you to look outside your usual resources.  There are amazing resources to assist you in learning about yourself, living your life more authentically, and growing in your knowledge.  I invite you to share what inspires you.

Be watching for my next blog where I share my favorite music therapy sources!

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