Treat yourself with music and an essential oil – oatmeal bath

Treating yourself need not cost you a ton of money.  With a few simple ingredients you can soothe your spirit and your skin with music and an essential oil – oatmeal bath.

Ingredients you will need:

  • A device to safely play music your personal relaxing playlist in the bathroom
  • A blender/food processor/coffee grinder
  • 1 cup oatmeal (unflavored instant, quick or old-fashioned all work)
  • 2 Tbsp of a carrier oil (fractionated coconut or jojoba are two examples) OR  1/2- 1c of milk
  • 2-4 drops of lavender, chamomile, or melaluca (tea tree) essential oil
  • tub of warm bath water
  • A fluffy towel

Selecting your Essential Oil

Essential oils carry varying properties. As they are highly concentrated, a little goes a long ways. Select from the following to meet your health need.


  • Soothes occasional skin irritations
  • Provides a calming, relaxing effect
  • Calming to skin that’s been exposed to the sun or heat

Roman Chamomile*

  • Has a calming effect on the skin, mind, and body
  • Soothes the systems of the body*
  • May help support healthy immune system function

Melaleuca (Tea Tree Oil)*

  • Renowned for its cleansing and rejuvenating effect on the skin

Steps for the Oats

  1. Use your food processor, blender, or coffee grinder at the highest speed to process the oats until they are a very fine powder.
  2. Test the grind by stirring one tablespoon of the ground oats into a glass of warm water. If the oats turn the liquid into a milky-looking substance with a silky feel, you’ve blended long enough. If not,  process the oats more. Test and repeat until you get a milky-looking substance with a silky feel. 

Preparing the Bath

  1. As you fill the tub with warm water, pour in up to 1c. of your processed oatmeal. Pour your homemade oatmeal into a tub of running warm water and stir the water with your hand several times to ensure even distribution.
  2. As the tub fills, mix 2-4 drops of your essential oil in the carrier oil or milk.
  3. Stir the bath water breaking up any oatmeal clumps that have formed.
  4. Turn on your relaxing music,
  5. Pour the essential oil in the carrier oil or milk into the tub as you get in. Take 15 to 20 minutes to soak and enjoy the bath and the music.
  6. Use caution when getting out of the bath. The oatmeal will make the tub more slippery than usual. Pat your skin dry with a fluffy towel.

Need support selecting which oils to use? Contact me to schedule a 30 minute consultation. Or, if you know what you want jump in and place an order.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.